Tag Archives: adult children of single parents

How to enable (not empower) your adult children


I had to share this, having learned this lesson long before my sons reached adulthood. I like to think I empowered my sons for adulthood (they’re all in their 20s now) but even now, it’s easy to jump in and try to “fix” things each time they encounter a difficulty.

Single moms, I’d love to know – would you consider yourself an empowering mom, or an enabling one? Or maybe a combination of both?


Another giveaway!


There’s still time to enter my giveaway on Lena Nelson Dooley’s blog. One lucky reader will win a copy of Paint the Storm. All you have to do is leave a comment!

Enter here.

Black Lives Matter- That’s Why I’m A Marriage Advocate

Black Lives Do Matter. So do black families.


On their website, Black Lives Matter lists this Guiding Principle: “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”  On that front, there is very little work left to do, as currently only seventeen percent of black children will reach their 18th birthday living in a nuclear family headed by their married father and mother

Deion is one of those black children. He grew up in a family that was comprised of four half-siblings and his white grandmother. His mother brought four children into the world, all with different fathers, all absent. After a few years, his mother was absent too. Deion’s father was black; all of his siblings were white.

Deion was pissed off.

His siblings were pissed off.

Because when your father is not around, kids often feel unwanted and as a result… angry.  Deion’s anger was a constant and he was only fourteen when he had…

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Fatherless America


What will our nation look like without fathers? Click on the link below for one writer’s grim take. It’s not pretty.


Finally…an e-zine for single parents.


In my first year of single parenting, the internet was a mere infant. Most family and parenting magazines were targeted to intact families. Women who kicked their abusive husbands to the curb were still looked upon unfavorably in most evangelical circles, especially among the older generation. [Someday I plan to blog about that tough first year.] When I did find reading material targeted at me, it made me shudder. The statistics were dire: children of single moms were more likely to drop out of high school. Daughters were more likely to get pregnant as a teen, and sons were more likely to engage in delinquent behavior. Both were more likely to use drugs.

I couldn’t win for losing.

But I also knew my sons didn’t HAVE to take the path to loserdom. Check back again for more on how, with the help of God and a support system, my sons overcame all those negative forces threatening to take them under.

How much easier if I’d had this:


The founder is herself a single mother. If you are too, I encourage you to save this link and refer to it frequently.

Blessings to all,