Tag Archives: dancing

Another freebie!


For just five days, When Lyric Met Limerick will cost you zippo, nada, zilch on Amazon!

Check it out here

Meet the twins from Sapphire Secrets



Two amazing young women are visiting us today.  Please help me welcome identical twins Livy and DeeDee McCreary, singers and dancers extraordinaire, who star in my new novel, Sapphire Secrets.

Dawn V. Cahill: Livy, since this is your story, why don’t we start with you? Tell us why you want to share your story with the world.

Livy: Picture this–a spooky graveyard at midnight. Howling wind. And a strange old man who tells me to seek the truth about my mother’s death. Wouldn’t you be curious, too?

DVC: Indeed I would.

Livy: Sapphire Secrets is basically my testimony. And what an incredible journey. Not only did I find out the truth about my mother’s death, I also found God. Now, I just want the world to know that God loves them. So many people have never experienced His love. They don’t know what it’s like when God grabs ahold of you and pulls you into His arms – so unlike anything you’ll ever experience.

DVC: But you weren’t raised to believe in God. What made you change your mind?

Livy: I met someone who wasn’t afraid to share Christ with me. At first, I was resistant. Our parents and grandma raised us to be suspicious of organized religion. But then, one day everything changed. I had an accident and…

DVC: Spoiler alert!

Livy: Whoops. Anyway, as a result, I might never dance again. But without the accident, I might not have found God.

DVC: DeeDee, what do you think about Livy’s conversion?

DeeDee: She’s always spouting religious mumbo-jumbo. Not my thing. But ask me anything about dance. I can get into that.

DVC: Okay, dance it is. One of my readers wants to know, were all those dance lessons growing up a pleasure, or a chore?

DeeDee: I won’t lie and say they were a piece of cake. Dance lessons are grueling. If I hadn’t had Livy to learn and practice with, I’m sure I would have given up a long time ago. But now, I marvel at what my body can do. I’m pumped that we get to pay it forward by teaching other little girls the beauty of dance.

Livy: Our mom’s passion for dance rubbed off on us. I couldn’t have quit if you paid me. The downside of dance for me was the memorization. Not only the choreography, but all the French terminology. Like pas de bourres and ronde jambs

DeeDee: The competitions…

Livy: Outgrowing our favorite leotards…

DeeDee: Hardly ever any boys in class to tease or flirt with.

DVC: How times change! A couple of single fathers brought their daughters into your studio for lessons.

Livy [giggling]: Don’t forget to mention how cute they were.

DVC: And now you’re dating one of them, aren’t you?

Livy: Spoiler alert!

DVC: My lips are sealed. Let’s let the readers find out for themselves, shall we?

DeeDee: Don’t forget to tell them about your prequel, When Lyric Met Limerick, a short story about a fateful meeting…the day our amazing and talented parents met.

DVC: Readers, just click on my Amazon author page to find both books: http://www.amazon.com/Dawn-V.-Cahill/e/B00QPRC2EY/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Check my webpage, dawnvcahill.com, for future giveaways and updates on Livy and DeeDee’s continuing saga. And thank you, ladies, for letting my readers get to know you  today.

Livy and DeeDee [in unison]: So long, lovely readers.

DeeDee: Peeps, you have to come back for Book 2, because this crazy author is going to put me through an even worse ordeal than Livy’s. I have no clue how I’m going to get out of this mess…

Giveaway, Part 2 – What’s better than a 99 cent book?



Answer: A free book!questions+and+answers

For this week’s giveaway, I’ll draw one name of a new follower or subscriber, and announce the winner next Tuesday, Nov 24. The winner will receive a copy of my 4-star ebook, When Lyric Met Limerick.

Guidelines to enter:

  • Just fill in your email on my home page and sign up as a subscriber.
  • Or, if you’re already a subscriber, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. I’ll be pulling a new follower’s name out of my hat from all my social media sites!
  • For a greater chance to win, you may sign up on all four sites if you wish.
  • Only residents of countries with access to Amazon are eligible to enter. I still love ya, I just don’t have a way to send you a copy 🙂



Dawn V. Cahill - Hot Topic Christian Fiction

“Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Neitzche

Or, to paraphrase the great philosopher, Those who were seen worshiping God were thought to be insane by those who could not see Him.

Neitzche the atheist probably didn’t intend to craft a meaningful spiritual analogy. He lived in the physical realm. And dancing is one of the most physical forms of self-expression one can indulge in. Yet it’s obvious his words resonate with Christians such as myself who grow frustrated with the world’s denial of God. To us, God’s existence is the Rock on which we stand. To deny His existence is like claiming one’s own father doesn’t exist.

In my novel Dance to My Lu (click on My Books above), the protagonist is a professional dancer who experiences this truth for herself after her conversion to Christ…

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“Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Neitzche

Or, to paraphrase the great philosopher, Those who were seen worshiping God were thought to be insane by those who could not see Him.

Neitzche the atheist probably didn’t intend to craft a meaningful spiritual analogy. He lived in the physical realm. And dancing is one of the most physical forms of self-expression one can indulge in. Yet it’s obvious his words resonate with Christians such as myself who grow frustrated with the world’s denial of God. To us, God’s existence is the Rock on which we stand. To deny His existence is like claiming one’s own father doesn’t exist.

In my novel Dance to My Lu (click on My Books above), the protagonist is a professional dancer who experiences this truth for herself after her conversion to Christ. Once her eyes are opened, she sees God everywhere: in the sky, in the morning dew, in the leaves on the trees. And she marvels that those around her walk on by God without ever seeing Him. If she were to point Him out, they would think her insane—a “religious nut”, a “wild-eyed fanatic.” When in reality, they are the blind ones who cannot see God.